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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Additive biomass models for Larix spp. single-trees sensitive to temperature and precipitation in EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Zukow, W.; Osmirko, A. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2019Additive biomass models for Quercus spp. single-trees sensitive to temperature and precipitation in EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Zukow, W.; Osmirko, A. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2019Additive model of Larix sp. forest stand biomass sensitive to temperature and precipitation variables in EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Kovyazin, V.; Osmirko, A. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2021Additive Models of Single-tree Biomass Sensitive to Temperature and Precipitation in Eurasia - A Comparative Study for Larix spp. and Quercus spp.Usoltsev, V. A.; Shobairi, S. O. R.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2021Allometric models of Picea spp. biomass for airborne laser sensing as related to climate variablesUsoltsev, V. A.; Kovyazin, V.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Zalesov, S. V.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2020Allometric models to predicate single-tree biomass in the eurasian larix spp. forestUsoltsev, V. A.; Shobairi, S. O. R.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Zukow, W.
2020Are there differences in the reaction of the light-tolerant subgenus pinus spp. Biomass to climate change as compared to light-intolerant genus picea spp.?Usoltsev, V. A.; Shobairi, S. O. R.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2021Carbon deposition by Russian forests on the example of taiga and forest-steppe zonesUsoltsev, V. A.; Zukow, W.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2022Changes In Foliage Biomass Of The Genera Larix And Pinus Along Gradients Of Temperature And Precipitation In EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Shakoor, A.; Zaib, G.; Trogisch, S.; Ma, X.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2023Climatically Determined Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Biomass of Betula spp. of Eurasia in the Context of the Law of the Limiting FactorUsoltsev, V. A.; Lin, H.; Shobairi, S. O. R.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Ye, Z.
2021Climatically determined spatial and temporal changes in the biomass of Pinus sp. of Eurasia in the context of the law of the limiting factorUsoltsev, V. A.; Zukow, W.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2022A Comparative Pattern for Populus spp. and Betula spp. Stand Biomass in Eurasian Climate GradientsShobairi, S. O. R.; Lin, H.; Usoltsev, V. A.; Osmirko A. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Ye, Z.; Anees, S.
2023Density of Tree Wood and Bark in Climatic Gradients of EurasiaUsoltsev, V. А.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2023Density of Tree Wood and Bark in Climatic Gradients of EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2021Deterministic growth factors: Temperature and precipitation effect above ground biomass of Larix spp. In EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Shakoor, A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Osmirko, A. A.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2020Feedback Modelling of Natural Stand and Plantation Biomass to Changes in Climatic Factors (Temperatures and Precipitation): A Special Case for Two-needles Pines in EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Shobairi, S. O. R.; Tsepordey, I. S.
2019Fir (Abies spp.) stand biomass additive model for Eurasia sensitive to winter temperature and annual precipitationUsoltsev, V. A.; Merganicova, K.; Konopka, B.; Osmirko, A. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2020Forest stand biomass and NPP models sensitive to winter temperature and annual precipitation for Betula spp. In EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Zukow, W.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2019Forest stand biomass of Picea spp.: an additive model that may be related to climate and civilisational changesUsoltsev, V. A.; Piernik, A.; Osmirko, A. A.; Tsepordey, I. S.; Chasovskikh, V. P.; Zukow, W.
2021Generic models of the biomass of larches (Larix spp.) and stone pines (Pinus L. subsection Cembrae Loud.) for laser sensing in climatic gradients of EurasiaUsoltsev, V. A.; Zukow, W.; Tsepordey, I. S.