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Результаты 10101-10110 из 11663.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2021Development of ideas within the framework of the genetic approach to the classification of forest typesFomin, V. V.; Mikhailovich, A. P.; Zalesov, S. V.; Popov, A. S.; Terekhov, G. G.
2022Reconstruction of the Expansion of Siberian Larch into the Mountain Tundra in the Polar Urals in the 20th—Early 21st CenturiesFomin, V. V.; Mikhailovich, A.; Golikov, D. Y.; Agapitov, E.
2016Characterization of chitin and its complexes extracted from natural raw sourcesKovaleva, E.; Pestov, A.; Stepanova, D.; Molochnikov, L. S.
2020Improvement of fire retardant properties of wood materialsGazizov, A. M.; Kuznetsova, O. V.; Sharafutdinov, A. A.; Shaimuhametova, K. M.
2019Surface electrical potential of ZrO2-SiO2 binary xerogels by EPR pH-sensitive spin probesAntonov, D. O.; Kovaleva, E. G.; Molochnikov, L. S.; Shishmakov, A. B.
2020Гиперкомплексные модели многоканальных изображенийLabunets, V. G.; Лабунец, В. Г.
2021Effectiveness of the Plasma Neutralization Technology for SupertoxicantsAnakhov, S. V.; Matushkin, A. V.; Pyckin, Y. A.
2020Identification of overtraining and a system for restoring Athletes' performance in hockey practiceMulin, A. A.; Vazirov, R. A.; Luganskii, N. V.
2020Assessment of the recreational potential of the forest territory of the Sverdlovsk regionMezenina, O. B.; Mikhailova, A.; Kuzmina, M. V.; Kokovin, P. A.
2020Development of Hardware and Software Complex for Increase of Technical Readiness Transport-Technological Machines in ForestryLyakhov, S. V.; Budalin, S. V.