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Результаты 10181-10190 из 11663.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2020Longitudial fluctuations of rotors of disk knife refinersVikharev, S. N.
2016Окно в природу! Прекрасная книга о тайге БеломорьяZalesov, S. V.; Залесов, С. В.
2022Смена сосны елью в условиях Уральского учебно-опытного лесхозаСюваткин, А. И.; Сураев, П. Н.; Осипенко, А. Е.
2013Government support forthe developing entrepreneurship in Switzerland and Russia with emphasis on forestry and forest-based industriesShpak, N.; Damary, R.
2018Dynamic estimation model of vegetation fractional coverage and driversShobairi, S. O. R.; Usoltsev, V. A.; Chasovskikh, V. P.
2019Prospects of development of the transnational transport corridor of the northern sea route based on Sabetta sea portVukovic, N. A.; Mingaleva, Z. A.; Mekhrentsev, A. V.
2019Optimization of productive costs on the basis of the marginal utilityBeznosov, G. A.; Ziablitckaia, N. V.; Novopashin, L. A.; Denezhko, L. V.; Sadov, A. A.; Pryadilina, N. K.
2018Formazan-Containing Solid-Phase Reagent Indicator Systems for Environmental AnalysisMaslakova, T. I.; Lipunov, I. N.; Pervova, I. G.; Maslakov, P. A.
2019Lignosulfonate, anionic surfactants and their mixtures influence on water solutions surface tension and zinc concentrate pressure leachingKolmachikhina, E. B.; Ryzhkova, E. A.; Dmitrieva, D. V.; Sviridov, V. V.; Naboichenko, S. S.
2019Theoretical approaches to logging trail network planning: Increasing efficiency of forest machines and reducing their negative impact on soil and terrainRudov, S. E.; Voronova, A. M.; Chemshikova, J. M.; Teterevleva, E. V.; Kruchinin, I. N.; Dondokov, Y. Z.; Khaldeeva, M. N.; Burtseva, I. A.; Danilov, V. V.; Grigorev, I. V.