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Результаты 10211-10220 из 11663.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2021Sustainable urban development: The impact of an asphalt plant on the quality of atmospheric airMezenina, O. B.; Maslennikova, S.
2021Assessment of the economic security of the intersectoral complex: A regional aspectKapustina, Y. A.; Rostovskaya, Y. N.
2021Lease or easement for a forest plot for linear objects: An economic aspectMezenina, O. B.; Mihailova, A.; Kuzmina, M. V.; Zueva, O.
2021Justification of impregnation modes for woodGazizov, A. M.; Samosenko, E. G.; Popova, E. V.
2021Modern approach to inventory of urban green spaces using GIS-technologies (in terms of the city of Rostov-on-Don)Zhukova, M. V.; Atkina, L. I.; Rakhmatullina, I.
2020Method of increasing the fire resistance of woodGazizov, A. M.; Popova, E. V.; Kuznetsova, O. V.; Akhmadullin, A. A.
2021A Revision Of The Leaf Beetles Of The Poorly Known Chrysolina (Sahlbergiana) Species-Group In The Subgenus Pezocrosita (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)Mikhailov, Y. E.; Reshetnikov, S. V.
2021Study Of Technical Cellulose As A Matrix-Sorbent To Develop Express Analytic System For Water Safety ControlMaslakova, T. I.; Vurasko, A. V.; Pervova, I. G.; Maslakov, P. A.; Aleshina, L. V.; Shapovalova, I. O.
2021Assessment of the innovative potential of the timber enterprises in the Russian Ural regionButko, G. P.; Yakovenko, N.; Menshikova, M.; Porotnikov, P.; Tihomirov, E.
2021Urban Soils: The Results Of The Study Of The Territory Of The City Of EkaterinburgMezenina, O. B.; Mihailova, A.; Kuzmina, M. V.; Grigorieva, A. V.