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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Mechanism of the fcc-bcc martensitic transformation with the fastest transformation of close-packed planes. I. the lattice parameter ratio and habitus planesKashchenko, M. P.; Chashchina, V. G.
2003The lower temperature boundary of the onset of the formation of α-martensite upon cooling in iron-based alloysKashchenko, M. P.; Semenovykh, A. G.; Chashchina, V. G.
2009Crystallodynamic model for selecting the orientation of twin structure boundaries during formation of a martensitic crystalKashchenko, M. P.; Chashchina, V. G.; Vikharev, S. V.
2003Cryston model of formation of α strain induced martensiteKashchenko, M. P.; Semenovih, A. G.; Chashchina, V. G.
2008Crystal dynamics of the BCC-HCP martensitic transformation: II. MorphologyKashchenko, M. P.; Chashchina, V. G.
2008Mechanism of the FCC-BCC martensitic transformation with the fastest rearrangement of close-packed planes. II. Orientation relationshipsKashchenko, M. P.; Chashchina, V. G.
2003Нижняя граница температуры начала формирования α-мартенсита охлаждения в сплавах на основе железаKashchenko, M. P.; Semenovykh, A. G.; Chashchina, V. G.; Кащенко, М. П.; Семеновых, А. Г.; Чащина, В. Г.
2008Effect of uniaxial deformation on the number of pairs of inversely populated electronic statesKashchenko, M. P.; Skorikova, N. A.; Chashchina, V. G.
2005Conditions required for nonequilibrium electrons to generate elastic waves in metals with a cubic latticeKashchenko, M. P.; Skorikova, N. A.; Chashchina, V. G.
2005Standard orientations of shear-band boundaries for HCP crystals in a cryston modelKashchenko, M. P.; Mal'tseva, O. A.; Chashchina, V. G.