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Название: Main Factors of the Spatial Development in Promoting and Hindering Agriculture Robotization in Russia
Авторы: Nabokov, V. I.
Skvortsov, E. A.
Sharapova, N. V.
Ziablitckaia, N. V.
Pryadilina, N. K.
Nekrasov, K. V.
Дата публикации: 2021
Издатель: Tuengr Group
Библиографическое описание: Main Factors of the Spatial Development in Promoting and Hindering Agriculture Robotization in Russia / V. I.Nabokov, E. A.Skvortsov, N. V.Sharapova [et al.] // International Transaction Journal Of Engineering Management & Applied Sciences & Technologies. – 2021. – Vol. 12. – Iss. 11. – № 12A11E.
Аннотация: This research determines the significant differences in the level of robotization of agriculture in Russia. As the processes of robotization of agriculture can be associated with certain socio-economic characteristics of the spatial development of regions, this study aims to analyze the factors of the spatial development of regions that promote and hinder the robotization of agriculture. Having identified and systematized influencing factors makes it possible to reduce the impact of obstacles and intensify the influence of factors contributing to the introduction of robotics. A 2D projection of the characteristics of the expert group (the Phi contingency coefficient) and the results of the expert survey (the Pearson's correlation coefficient) was developed. The most significant factor in the spatial development of regions, which currently hinders the robotization of agriculture, is a share of profitable agricultural organizations in the region. According to the experts, the factors of the spatial development of region, hindering the robotization of agriculture are insufficient volumes of subsidies for the technical renewal of agriculture and investment risks in the region. The most significant factor in the spatial development of regions, contributing to the robotization of agriculture is the availability of a Developed network of servicing for robotics. Considering these factors will make it possible to choose the optimal measures of influence in order to intensify the activity in robotizing the production and rural areas. (C) 2021 INT TRANS J ENG MANAG SCI TECH.
URI: https://elar.usfeu.ru/handle/123456789/11287
DOI: 10.14456/ITJEMAST.2021.215
WoS: WOS:000722286800001
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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