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Title: Justification of technologies of minimum (surface) tillage
Authors: Iovlev, G. A.
Pobedinsky, V. V.
Goldina, I. I.
Zorkov, V. S.
Nesgovorov, A. G.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Justification of technologies of minimum (surface) tillage / G. A. Iovlev, V. V. Pobedinsky, I. I. Goldina [et al.] // E3S Web of Conferences. – 2023. – Vol. 395. – № 01005. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202339501005.
Abstract: With the modern development of agricultural production, the introduction of resource-saving technologies, technologies based on intelligent systems, there is a need to introduce a system of machines for the implementation of surface tillage technologies (mini-till, no-till). The main factor largely determining the choice of an agricultural machine, its working bodies, and processing technology are the agrophysical properties of the soil. The research was based on experiments to determine the hardness after various types of treatment of various soils with different granulometric composition. The research was carried out for one year (autumn 2021, spring 2022, autumn 2022), a total of 12 fields were examined, the sample was about 300 measurements. As a result, mathematical dependences were obtained for determining the change in the depth of processing at different soil hardness and the working speed of the machine-tractor unit when performing the technological operation cultivation to a depth of 10 cm. Theoretical studies on the effect of different soil hardness and working speed on the resistivity of the cultivator were carried out according to the formulas of Kirtbay Yu.K. (1982) and Iofinov S.A. (1985). When processing experimental data obtained in determining the resistivity on soils of different hardness and different operating speeds, using the Matlab program, more precise mathematical dependences were obtained that determine the dependence of resistivity on the operating speed on soils with different hardness. Calculations on the formation of optimal aggregates of tractors with toothed chain harrows, performed considering theoretical and experimental studies on the effect of soil hardness and operating speeds on processing depth and resistivity revealed that the optimal unit with a harrow with a working width of 12 m is the Belarus 2022 + BZC-12 unit, with a harrow width of 18 m and 24 m - in a unit with a tractor K-744R1. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences.
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202339501005
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85163640077
RSCI: 54344409
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